found this error: Open a project that you own and then click on the Credentials button and on your API key: In the settings you will find the Application restrictions option where you can add your domain name: On the Google API Manager Credentials I restricted the key to HTTP referrers using ** which looks like the correct way to do it. to your account. Javascript google maps google maps api 3 98 0 grupo camaleón creativos 2020 03 17 12 34 35 0000 utc 27 answers come on google you guys are smarter than the api credential page lets on. Already on GitHub? To check allowed referrers open Google Developers Console. The following error message will appear in the browser console. Now I have 6(!) See the JavaScript Console for technical details. With no restrictions on the API key adding the location works but using the recommended site restriction it does not. Please check the referrer settings of your API key on the Google API Console. Before you proceed further, I’d like to inform you this step is completely optional you can totally skip it. Geolocating API 4. See API keys in the Google API Console. Maps JavaScript API, with a description of the cause and how you can The Maps JavaScript API writes The ESC key will toggle the JavaScript Console. Since several weeks, the Google services work only if there is a valid API key. It seems that the patch works, but reduces very much the performance of the site. Loading the Maps JavaScript API. You will get your API key within few seconds then, copy your key -> save it anywhere for future uses and then, go to docs. So I went back to my Google console and got a Google Maps Javascript API Key. IT enabled several other API keys (Directions, Distance Matrix, etc.) To set up the correct place on the Map click the Google Map element and open the map options. Distance API 6. The next step is to improve the security of your newly generated API key. The way an API key can be generated is described very well in the FAQ of the Route-Converter web site. Έχουμε υπογράψει το API JavaScript των Χαρτών Google και έχουμε ένα έγκυρο κλειδί προγράμματος περιήγησης και ο τομέας μας,, έχει … In my case, the problem was that I was using this restriction: HTTP referrers (web sites) Accept requests from these HTTP referrers This message is displayed when you have not enabled the JavaScript API for your Google Maps API project. Google Maps JavaScript API error: MissingKeyMapError; For web developers: If you have access to the source code of your application, look for the