Now that you have a better understanding of what the various parameters in figure 11 represent, let’s now discuss what the values for the parameters mean. I have been working with the IndexOptimize job from Ola and noticed the PageCountLevel parameter defaults to 1000. For newer versions of SQL Server where sys.dm_db_stats_properties exists, he uses that, which is more reliable. The point is that the IndexOptimize stored procedure has the ability to view the fragmentation level of every index in a database and to classify it as any of the parameters in figure 11. Do you know why that limitation is in place? Specify index maintenance operations to be performed on a low-fragmented index. In addition, Ola’s script includes extensive error-checking to make it easier to troubleshoot any potential problems. Still on 2012 sp2 (Microsoft SQL Server 2012 – 11.0.5343.0 (X64) May 4 2015 19:11:32 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 (Build 10586: ) ). Also when things do get a little slow (generally due to someone running rogue queries) the development team are going to point out that the indexes are fragmented. I’m not saying you should stop – but I’m saying you should use it to solve a problem. Query that for errors. Given these choices, which option should the DBA pick to create their database maintenance plans? Give it some room to breathe. As more and more people embrace GitHub and are getting used to how it works, the feature suggestions have been rolling in. Stats Week: Only Updating Statistics With Ola Hallengren’s Scripts. Keep up with the good Work! Once you have done so, you can decide if you want to use them as is, modify them, or ignore then altogether and create your own custom jobs. The ability to delete old job and backup history, including the removal of log files created by maintenance jobs as they run. Bo – are you asking if that threshold should be lowered, or raised? Have a look at the documentation. ;(. I see so reorganize is not a valid alternative to offline rebuild in Standard edition. I have made the assumption that you understand what the various parameters do, or at least that you can look them up. The ability to perform database integrity checks using DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP, DBCC CHECKTABLE, DBCC CHECKALLOC and/or DBCC CHECKCATALOG. For example, if I have a 1TB table, it’s not going to get 30% fragmented overnight.). Just curious what you mean by “could take a really long time”. For example, if index fragmentation is High, then it might be rebuilt. I have this general hesitancy to recommend trace flags as a solution. This is considered Medium fragmentation. A while back, Ola decided to Open Source his scripts on GitHub (Soon to be known as Microsoft LiveHub for Business Essentials). Any thoughts on this? He has been working with SQL Server since 2001. If the pain is bad, and we can’t fix the problem during the maintenance window, that’s a great data point to take to management and say “Look, you need X to happen. Another thing we do in light of occasional deadlocks is to set deadlock priority to low when launching IndexOptimize…it’s a strategic decision we’ve made that we’d rather index maintenance fail on an index one night (and the DBAs get notified) than a more visible business process get deadlocked and a larger group of folks get concerned and involved. The ability to automatically create jobs that implement each of the above tasks. The default is ‘Y’, or yes. We’re in the process of deploying Ola’s scripts, and I’m curious about the @OnlyModifiedStatistics parameter. Just came across this upon another search. If you want to change the 30 day value, you can do so by directly editing the command line for the job, changing it from 30 to whatever number of days works best for you. Still learning about the command parameters in the jobs. Brad M. McGehee is a MCITP, MCSE+I, MCSD, and MCT (former), and, until recently, the Director of DBA Education for Red Gate Software. Hi, Has anyone been able to successfully use Ola Hallengren's maintenance scripts to only clean up old backups and not take a new backup? Would you still say that the 30%/50% rule is your go to? Then you’ll want to do root cause analysis on those tables to figure out why they are getting fragmented so quickly…better to fix the source of the trouble, if possible. Corey – for help with Ola’s scripts, head on over to A quick question regarding this solution, Any parameter we can set/use to rerun index rebuild(for one particular index) if index operation deadlocked with user transaction and aborted. Hi Nic, I’ll ajust the schedule to once a day. Valid inputs are DEFAULT, NULL, LIMITED, SAMPLED, or DETAILED. Here’s how they ship: The defaults on some of these parameters are a little tricky: When an index is between @FragmentationLevel1 (5%) and @FragmentationLevel2 (30%), the scripts will perform the actions listed in @FragmentationMedium, in order. Figure 12: Each job created by the script creates a single step. Say you have four partitions and the 4th one hits 10%, others are zero…with ‘N’ it will evaluate them all together, estimate 2.5%, and do nothing. Or should I go with full and backup the logs to every hour to keep them small? This job performs a DBCC CHECKDB on all the user databases, looking for potential database corruption. Figure 14: The Output File option is where the maintenance job’s log file goes. The default (NULL) is LIMITED.” but this doesn’t really explain what it really means? Carlos — yeah, I think it was me who said that on your question ,, Hi Brent. Thanks in advance. Specify the type of backup: full, differential, or transaction log. Honestly, I wouldn’t be doing defrags on a regular basis on a table of this size. Ola Hallengren has already crafted a superb set of routines to do this for you. Here’s what I would like to do. This job includes a single job step, as you can see below. Closed. It’s been on the magnitude of hours across an entire instance. This job analyzes all of the indexes in all of your user databases, and based on the size of the indexes, and the fragmentation level of the databases, determines if the index should be ignored, reorganized, or rebuilt. -- <== Change this to your backup directory. The primary drivers were ease of installation and the amazing free support from the hundreds (thousands?) Where the dm_db_index_physical_stats DMV is used, the parameter “LIMITED” is sent for the mode. Maxdop 1 could prevent corruption for online rebuilds in some versions of SQL Server: That instantly has the effect of inflating your differential backups all week long. Generally speaking, I schedule my log backups to occur every hour (or more often), depending on my needs. If my frag percent is high but my density is also high is rebuild really necessary? Ola Hallengran uses the old SQL 2000 best practice of only doing maintenance work on tables with 1000 pages and above. Although this has been a long article, it still does not cover every option in great depth. Specify the Quest LiteSpeed for SQL Server maximum CPU usage, as a percentage. Specify the integrity check commands to be performed: checkdb, checkfilegroup, checktable, checkalloc and/or checkcatalog. For instance, if I have a job that runs 12 hours and it is critical, I want to run it outside those hours on that particular table. The website states, if you want to backup all User database except X use the following for @Databases: USER_DATABASES, -Db1 So, I'm running the following: If you have a question about an unrelated topic, go to a place that specializes in answering them, and that would be Stack. A Simple-Talk exclusive: Stars of the DBA in Space webisodes - Revealed! Thanks for the response Erik, I will try with another table then! Near the top of the script, around line 32, you will see a line of Transact-SQL code that looks like this: Run the script. Now we need to add the steps that will deploy the maintenance solution. Hi Brent Always thought the reason you would do a reorganise instead of a rebuild was because the reorganise is faster, but this has not always been my experiance. Yes. Periodically, Ola updates his scripts, fixing small bugs or adding new features. Glad you like the document and proposal approach – it’s the best way to learn how much the business really needs you to solve a problem. But a good place to start would be to dial back on the frequency…once a day, for example…and then analyse the CommandLog table and figure out where you are seeing fragmentation building up. What should I do if I got a clustered index (one column) that are not enough unique to get 100% fragmentation? If I remove the “INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE” option without defining parameter @partitionLevel = ‘N’, will there be an issue when it comes across an index that exceeds the rebuild threshold, since as I understand it, SQL2012 is unable to do online single partition rebuilds? But, is that not antiquated because of higher IO performance? When you take a closer look at MaintenanceSolution.sql script, you will see that it is divided into essentially seven different sections (I have arbitrarily divided the script into seven sections to make it easier to describe), which include: In order to get a better understanding of how the script works, let’s take a look at what each of these sections do. When I look at output files, what I focus on is the “DatabaseBackup” part, which tells me what job was run, and the date and time, so I know when it ran. The ability to perform dynamic index optimization by rebuilding indexes online or offline (depending on the edition of SQL Server you have), reorganizing indexes, updating statistics, or doing nothing at all, based on an index’s size and fragmentation level. Since all the jobs are similar (except for the stored procedure name and the parameters used), this will be the only job I explain in depth. That’s a great point about documenting the situation, along with potential fixes and costs, for management. We have been using this script on our SQL servers for months now, and the index optimize job is the only one I can’t figure out. Note: Many of the default values found in this script, such as what defines Low, Medium, and High fragmentation, come from recommendations from Microsoft. When I tried to restore these files in QA one of the diffs contained contained data for another database. DatabaseBackup is the SQL Server Maintenance Solution’s stored procedure for backing up databases. Myself included. While it is possible to create a decent database maintenance plan using the Maintenance Plan Wizard (see my free eBook: Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans), the tool is not very flexible, and if it isn’t properly used, it can result in poor database maintenance. If you want to do this, you will have to alter one of the four jobs so that it performs all four tasks, and then delete the remaining three you don’t need, as the script does not provide this option. Here's a script that you can use to check the index fragmentation. Brent, Although somewhat new to Index reorg/rebuild, I am in the process of setting up Ola’s maintenance scripts and was concerned about the number of pages (high for my databases) and the percentages when most web blogs, not just Ola, seem to ignore what I thought was more important – Page Density. within the scripts from Ola. Specify the time, in hours, after which the backup files are deleted. The ability of the IndexOptimize stored procedure to treat each index differently is a great benefit as it helps to achieve a good balance between the level of index optimization performed and the amount of resources needed to perform the optimization, and at the same time helping to minimize the size of the transaction log, which is affected whenever indexes are defragmented. I understand your point about being cautious enabling the 100 sample since it can run into Monday, that’s why I don’t default to it . Since then, he has improved his script on a regular basis, and it is now being used by some of the largest organizations in the world. Figure 2: The CommandLog table is used for logging. One key thing to remember about these parameters is that most of them have default values, so you don’t have to provide every parameter. Would this way be the best in a DW Database: EXECUTE [dbo]. Note: In my first job example, I will spend extra time explaining how the sqlcmd utility and tokens are used, along with an explanation of how the job works. At that time, a combination of database maintenance jobs created using the SQL Server Maintenance Wizard, along with a collection of custom Transact-SQL scripts, were used throughout the organization. DatabaseBackup is supported on SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019, and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. When you run the new script, Ola guarantees backward compatibility. I'm creating batch files and using Task Scheduler to run them on a schedule. Another common way for more experienced DBAs to create database maintenance plans is to create custom T-SQL or PowerShell scripts to perform database maintenance. If no directory is specified, then the SQL Server error log directory is used. So I’m basically wondering if your statistics maintenance is taking even longer than 6-7 hours? Do you think every 2 hours is overkill? It’s a good position to be in though. Each of the jobs created by the MaintenanceSolution.sql script creates a single step, and that step executes as an operating system (CmdExec) job. This creates an RPO/RTO problem without really solving a performance problem. Currently it is by default ‘Y’ . Personally, that’s the main time I’d recommend considering it, but the runtime may be painfully high. Be aware that this job could be time and resource consuming, so schedule it during less busy time of the day. If you’re a production database administrator responsible for backups, corruption checking, and index maintenance on SQL Server, try Ola Hallengren’s free database maintenance scripts. If you plan to use this job, you still have one mandatory step you must take, and several optional steps. Specify index maintenance operations to be performed on a high-fragmented index. Figure 13: Every job created by the script is executed as an operating system (CmdExec) job. Ola Hallengren’s scripts; 3rd party products from Red Gate, Minion, etc. How to use the Ola Hallengren scripts? You can find more details at They do get a LOT of inserts/deletes during the day. So in summary, if the maintenance window permits, is it worth switching this? Once this classification is done, then, on an index-by-index basis, the appropriate action is taken on the index so that it is optimized using the fewest amount of server resources possible. How are you measuring that the results are better? I know the published best practice values are somewhat arbitrary and I’ve had some questions about thresholds to use in practice. Please guide me how can I solve this issu. Thanks for the reply on previous question. -- Specify whether jobs should be created. Hi, what do you think about update statistics with Ola ? The best way to understand how the MaintenanceSolutions.sql script works is to take a detailed look at it. I frequently help clients setup and configure the Ola Hallengren SQL Server Maintenance Solution. On the other hand, there are a lot of experienced DBAs who lack the time, and there are many novice DBAs who don’t have the knowledge or experience, to create their own custom scripts. In the next section, we dissect Ola’s script so that we better understand how it works. For the moment, if you are not familiar with the sqlcmd utility or tokens, don’t worry, as I will be showing an example of how they are used as I explain how the first maintenance job works. Ola’s script is designed to cover the most common database maintenance tasks, which include: Each of the above features can be run with default settings, or various parameters can be changed to customize how the maintenance tasks run on your SQL Server instances. As our bigger tables are partitioned, from the below parameters what will happen if we keep it as ‘N’ i.e. In addition, none of the jobs have been scheduled, because you, as the DBA, must decide what jobs you want to run, and when, in order to minimize the performance impact these jobs can have when they execute. It’s a fantastic bit of code, my hat is off to him. Bo, as far as I know this limitation is in place because very small indexes are going to get fragmented very quickly anyways and so it does not make much sense to care about them. Is it possible to uninstall Ola Hallengren SQL maintenance script [closed] Ask Question Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. Just my opinion/guesswork, though. It is not currently accepting answers. If you have a different version, be aware that some things I describe in this article might be slightly different, as Ola regularly releases new versions of his script. Howard – correct, if I get to the point where I need to rebuild indexes offline, I only want that happening with a DBA on hand. I can use this for one server or many by passing in an array of servers (although they must use the same folder for backing up whether that is UNC or local) I can also add this to an automated build process to ensure that everything has been deployed correctly. On a 2 TB Database using Ola Hallengren’s script with MAXDOP=8 most of the tables are quicker when doing a rebuild rather than a reorganise. Indicate, as a percentage, how much of a table is gathered when updating statistics. They’re better than yours (trust me), and they give you more flexibility than built-in maintenance plans. This should not be a problem, as the solution supports all Windows versions of SQL Server, starting from SQL Server 2005. Set the delay, in seconds, between index commands. The optional steps are to set up Alerts and Notifications, which I highly recommend, so that you are notified in case a job fails. We will need to modify these scripts slightly to consider things like the use of single quotes, etc. There are many cases in which rebuilding a small index leaves it with the same fragmentation it had before, which leaves your job just constantly rebuilding them over and over again. Also, I may want to run stats at different times… another reason to create another job. On the other hand, if you have not used the sqlcmd utility before, it may take you a little time before you fully understand how it works. If you don’t want the script to automatically create the jobs for you, then replace ‘Y’ with ‘N’. What method do you use for limiting the maximum number of pages for an index before skipping it (i.e. I like logging to a DBA utility database, and then restoring that from all my servers to one central server daily. This question needs to be more focused. This job performs a DBCC CHECKDB on all the system databases, looking for potential database corruption. We just converted from Access to SQL Server, people recommended the Ola scripts so I want to use the backup and integrity check scripts. Some folks like to have weekday jobs that only do low-impact maintenance techniques for highly fragmented tables (like if something manages to hit 80% fragmentation on a Tuesday, go ahead and rebuild it online) followed by more invasive techniques on the weekends. What’s the problem you’re trying to solve with reindexing every 2 hours? Maintain partitioned indexes on the partition level. Is this a real problem i.e. When checked using SSMS index properties that shows only 1,10% fragmentation. So if you have three partitions, one heavily fragmented, two not, it will calculate fragmentation across all three partitions and then evaluate against the threshold, then rebuild or reorg the whole thing. Would there be benefit in FragmentationHigh = ‘INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE,INDEX_REORGANIZE’ so that at least some action is taken on fragmented indexes in Standard Edition or is a reorganize never a good idea for highly fragmented databases? Value Description Y Maintain partitioned indexes on the partition level. I think parallel index create/rebuild is a really useful feature of Enterprise Edition, so I would want to really know it was making a difference before turning it off. All of these operations can be … One of the most common ways that DBAs (especially accidental or novice DBAs) create database maintenance plans is to use the Maintenance Plan Wizard from within Management Studio (SSMS). The default value for FragmentationLevel2 is 30 (30%) and means that any index that has a fragmentation level of 30% or more is considered to have High fragmentation. If you want to change the 30 day value, you can do so by directly editing the command line for the job, changing it from 30 to whatever number of days works best for you. Note that I raised the fragmentation thresholds by a lot, and I removed the offline rebuild operations. After the project was completed, Ola realized that his solution would be useful to other DBAs, so starting January 1, 2008, Ola released his first version of his database maintenance script, offering it free to any organization who wants to use it. This leaves us with the level of fragmentation that is 5% and above and below 30%. One such tool that has been highly recommended for the last several years is the SQL Server Maintenance Solution created by Ola Hallengren Juan – that sounds like you’ve restored the wrong database, or your backup scripts had errors. Hi Brett: You made recommendations on index optimization in this article and explained why. I see a minimum number of pages setting for skipping, but not a max. Figure 7: The DatabaseIntegrityCheck stored procedure offers ten different ways to control how database integrity checks are performed. I have also assumed that you understand how to properly schedule your database maintenance jobs. I suspect that the reason Ola gives an option for @OnlyModifiedStatistics and defaults it to ‘N’ is that the methods for telling if data has been modified have changed a lot and aren’t always very reliable. Let’s Say i have an Instance with MAXDOP is set to 4. Since then, he has improved his script on a regular basis, and it is now being used by some of the largest organizations in the world. Once we have this basic understanding, then we will be better prepared to understand how they execute. The hyphen character (-) is used to exclude databases, and the percent character (%) is used for wildcard selection. I make Microsoft SQL Server go faster. -- Specify the database in which the objects will be created. It´s always 15-20% fragementation (on a HUGH table with 1,200,000,000 rows). Generally speaking, I like to make full backups of all my databases nightly. Here’s a breakdown of the output path’s constituent parts: When the above job is executed, the output path may create a result like this: While the job id and the step id are obscure, they help to make the filename unique. Do you mind to share your solution with us? That is because it is not always possible to rebuild an index online in SQL Server. If it is >50% fragmented then it really does need an actual rebuild, reorg wont do. Compact pages that contain large object (LOB) columns, when reorganizing indexes. (You won’t. I do have one query, however. In many versions of SQL Server, all he has to go on is ROWMODCTR, which has a lot of problems described here: (If I recall correctly it was reaaaaally off on some versions of SQL Server 2005 and maybe even 2008.). If an index waits two days for a reorganize life goes on just fine, much preferable to getting brought onto a telecom bridge to explain why a critical batch job failed overnight… , Brent, I am using Ola’s Maintenance Scripts on an Agent Job, The schedule is -Every 2 hours for the indexes all the Tables, except the 3 main system tables that cannot go Offline during the day (I’m Using Standard Edition) -Once a day in those 3 tables (15 minutes downtime). Ola Hallengren’s maintenance scripts are a widely used replacement for maintenance plans. It sounds like you’ve got a 1.2b row table where the clustering key is not unique. The indexOptimize by default maintains index fragmentation on partition level. This script creates all the objects and jobs that you need. I’am trying the following with a table, avg_fragmentation_in_percent = 50, but nothing is happening, could you please tell what missing? Having recently set up Index maintenance using Ola Hallengren’s scripts on a range of my company’s production servers, I wanted to write about the steps involved including some custom steps to ensure the overall health of the SQL Server database. Back in 2007, Ola began a project to improve the database maintenance within a large SQL Server environment. I have that set to Y but still seeing stats update after the index rebuild. You trust your database backups and integrity checks to him, and he has been KILLING IT on new features lately. Yeah, pretty much – if you reach the halfway point, a rollback might end up running outside of your maintenance window. Since we can’t read the path in figure 14, here is what it look like. The mandatory step is that you must schedule this job, as this is not done for you. If the index fragmentation is Low, then nothing may be done to the index. We have a 10TB database and we use Ola Hallengren maintenance plan for rebuilding the indexes. After the project was completed, Ola realized that his solution would be useful to other DBAs, so starting January 1, 2008, Ola released his first version of his database maintenance script, offering it free to any organization who wants to use it. This stored procedure only has ten options, making it easier to configure than the previous one. Wrangler – it’s tough for us to troubleshoot that one. You can do this if you want, but you will have to modify the jobs accordingly, as the script does not provide this option. Yes, its an indexed view, so ola script doesn’t handle indexed view? Well, I am not Brent, but assuming you have run the whole “installation” script, there should be table CommandLog. I’m going to watch that when I have some time. Re LIMITED/DETAILED/SAMPLED, scroll down to Scanning Modes under Remarks here: Following steps: 1 sounds like you ’ re not fixing a specific problem, but the resulted. 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