In zoos, the endangered species are protected. Those who oversaw these animals had a general knowledge of upkeep, but not much more. 5. 1. If a zoo is unable to meet those standards, they can potentially lose their accreditation and their animals will be transferred to a zoo that does meet them. Many animals in zoos also have a significantly lower life expectancy compared to animals who live in the wild. Despite the different names, each offers visitors the chance to view animals that are confined in an enclosure. At the end of the day, everyone involved, from members of the public and zookeepers to conservation specialists and scientists all have one common interest – to ensure the welfare of the animal. Firstly, animals are provided with food and water. 3. There is no danger of the animals being killed by poachers for their skin. Conservation is a goal that isn’t always sought. Even natural habitat enclosures do not fully serve the needs of all animals. For others, the forced enclosure of any animal feels like an unethical decision. The world could raise wild animals but not in their homes but in what is known as zoos . Cons of Zoos Captivity Animals and Bird Captivity; In the list of cons of zoos the first point is captivity. Some animals, like the average house cat, will thrive in a captive environment. A herd (or memory) of elephants is known to travel between 30-50 kilometers every day. Their status as a 501c3 organization, however, can help to provide a buffer on years where losses like that occur. Hunted to extinction in the wild, there were about a dozen left in captivity at a single zoo in Europe. There are pros and cons for zoos and it’s important to understand them both. This is due to the unnatural living conditions in zoos and also due to the fact that animals often get tired of their lives in zoos. Zoos go by several different official names. Many animals born and raised in captivity fail to successfully make the transition from captive to wild environment, meaning that sometimes there is no choice but to keep them in the Zoo for the remainder of their lives. They inform the public of the threatened status of endangered species and of those factors which cause the threat. Many zoos also don’t have the conditions that are ideal for the animals. This makes for a much longer average life span for these animals. Keeping animals in captivity can prevent their extinction. For many people around the world, zoos represent an opportunity to experience animals that most have never seen before, but sadly the experience for animals is terrible because they suffer physically and emotionally which takes away their chance at a fair life. Maintain a Healthy Population. Even the Catholic Church maintained a human zoo until the 1500s. There may be opportunities to feed the animals, watch them perform tricks, and more. This includes learning about new medicine as well as new medical techniques that will allow vets to care for animals and provide a greater level of health. Other names for a zoo are zoological park, zoological garden and a menagerie.Zoos around the world cause concern for animal rights, which is a problem because zoos normally keep wild animals rather than domestic ones. If the animal is part of a predator species, most newborns that are born in captivity will die if they are released because of the dependencies they have on the captivity. Unhealthy Living Conditions. Zoos around the world work together to preserve rare and extremely endangered species. Help Us Learn More About Species. #3 Financial Problems A Brief History of Zoos . The last Przewalski horse was seen in the wild in 1966. If these rare animals were forced to find each other in the wild, the result could be very different. 4. One of the most common arguments against the existence of zoos is that they are not carefully supervised. You can find a lot more information about animals here. Some zoos even put humans on display involuntarily, keeping them in cages well into the 20th century. There are many pros and many cons of animals being kept in zoos. A couple of those pros and perspectives are, conducting research, education and conservation opportunities for the animals. When they go to a zoo, what they are seeing is that it is okay for people to put animals into enclosures for entertainment purposes. That has changed over the years to the point where many see a zoo as nothing more than a recreational facility. from the pros that animals could take the advantage of them are : their protection against predators , animals could take their food without exerting efforts for getting it that protected them also from starvation . We might be talking about animals who may not have the same level of conscious thought as humans, but how we treat other species says more about who we are than it does about the animals we keep. 3. Since the 19th century, in both good and bad ways, most zoos were established to further a scientific understanding about the nature which surrounds us. Elephants are also migratory animals, so restricting this instinct can cause them to become more aggressive. Today’s zookeepers are highly trained and educated people who have specialized knowledge of the animals that are under their charge. Having a zoo provides these animals with a safer place to live because they are behind multiple levels of protection. The Smithsonian National Zoo is one of many that have worked with local colleges and universities to create thorough degree programs at graduate and doctorate levels. There were only nine California condors in the wild in 1985. There are quite a few cons of zoos, too. The pros and cons of zoos are important to consider from a modern standpoint. Essential benefits to animals:Zoos provide medical care and proper nutrition to animals which they could not get by themselves. To save the boy, the zoo killed the male gorilla named Harambe. These zoos go to measures like planning their enclosures flawlessly, from altering the temperature to placing certain objects that resemble the original habitat, such as twigs, logs to look like a forest. “It is a simple fact that the vast majority of animals kept in zoos are not endangered or threatened and are there simply to provide public entertainment,” he says. It is quite common to have offspring created at a zoo to be moved to another zoo, sold to raise money, or in the case of the Giant Panda, used as a financial resource for an entire country. Should animals be kept in zoos The pros and cons. Shorter life expectancy of animals in zoos. In the wild, you’ll find them grouping into herds of 40+ individuals. Maintain a Healthy Population. Many zoos have what is referred to as a “treatment room.” This is a place where any animal can be brought in for an examination so that its good health can be maintained. All the animals and birds are in the shape of jail and captivity, they cannot move, eat, run naturally as they do in jungles. … The people and activists who oppose the very idea of setting up zoos argue that even if zoo owners take sincere efforts to conserve wild animals, success attained in protecting them is insignificant. For a zoo experience to be beneficial, there must be an effort to take all visitors through the scientific and preservation components of a zoological program. There may be educational value in a zoo, but keeping animals in captivity offers an ethical dilemma. In 2015, their expenses were $2 million more than their incoming revenues. On the other hand, some people argue that animals should be kept in zoos. Unfortunately, this goal tends to be more of a marketing technique than an actual mission statement. On the other hand, many animals, including big cats, breed easily in zoos, so that you don’t even have to take them from the wild if you want to display them in a zoo. 8. This includes programs that will one day re-introduce some of the animals within the zoo back into the wild. 9. The National Zoo has a training program for fourth-year veterinary students and offers a 3-year residency program for another school so that veterinarians can train to become zoological medicine specialists. 1. This could be helpful in saving more of them. The animals that are kept in zoos have access to nutritious food, clean water, and veterinary care 24/7. Our views about zoos may have changed, but is it still ethical to support animal captivity? 2. When the cubs were born, more than 60% of them would die while still in infancy. Many zoos are struggling financially and can no longer care for their animals properly. Zoos A zoo is a facility in which animals are kept in confined spaces or enclosures, displayed to the public and can be bred. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Audio: WNYC pro: Zoos keep animals safe who need help or are injured. In the past, zoos were a place where animals were kept behind steel bars. Zoos will often provide an opportunity to scientific research. 2. This doesn’t fully replace hunting or migration, but it does eliminate the boredom, deterioration, and eventual degradation of the animal at the zoo. The zoo was established in 1898 and 70% of its revenues come from zoo visits and private contributions. Poor Nutrition and Lack of Funding. Zoos are working with universities to develop in-depth degree programs. Many zoos have breeding programs in place to help eliminate genetic bottlenecks, especially when dealing with an endangered species. Zoos go by several different official names. The same cannot always be said for the newborns that become part of local zoo breeding programs. 8 -Animal abuse (some whip and beat animals). Humans have kept wild animals for thousands of years. 1. Zoos have been part of our human history from the very beginning when early humans began documenting what happened to them. There should not be zoos. Others, like orcas, do very poorly when living in captivity. There are still zoos that use concrete slabs to keep the animals in, which can be much different than the raw earth that they are used to. The pros and cons of zoos often come from two very different points of view. Even the Catholic Church has a zoo which feature a collection of people from different races and tribes as late as the 16th century. That is a habitat which a small zoo cannot replicate. One of the earliest zoos in the Western Hemisphere didn’t feature animals. Baby animals bring the visitors in in droves, but this often leads to zoos having too many animals. This has reduced accidents and attacks, especially when handlers follow established policies and procedures to maintain safety. Evidence of elephants, wildcats, baboons, and hippopotami were discovered at the location. Zoos have improved significantly over the years. 4. One of the best examples of this advantage is the Przewalski’s horse. Most zoos are required to go through an accreditation process of some sort. There are many pros to zoos and particularly with many species that don’t do well with mating in the wild, can be one of the best ways to keep a species alive and well. It featured people that had different physical traits, such as having dwarfism or albinism. -Animals are kept in cages while circuses travel. There are certainly success stories, such as the Przewalski horse. Zoos cannot provide them with enough space, therefore, they cannot run around so as to grow up freely. Concrete can be cold, and not be as good on their feet as the soil of their natural habitat. Our desire to own unusual animals as pets often leads us to bring wild animals home. Aspinall goes further. Staff from a zoo will travel to local schools to make presentations, offer special programs on the zoo grounds, and partner with community providers to extend educational opportunities to everyone. 5. As for the disadvantages of a zoo, the facilities that are offered can be abused for personal or political gain. 7 -Animals are taken away from their families and become lonely and sad. 10. The zoo staff are friendly to the animals and can help in case of emergencies. 6. con: Animals cages are to small, they need to have space to run and play. While also, zoos providing many benefits to animals that normally would have not received them, such as training. The Giant Panda is an example of how difficult breeding programs in captivity can be. However, instances of a pet chimp attacking its owner or a big cat mauling its keeper are not rare. Humans were kept in zoos even in the 20th century. Activities are arranged for the animals to help keep them mentally alert. Breeding programs are not a guarantee for species survival. The animals in zoos are no longer kept behind steel bars and in cold cement cages. Holding any animal in captivity has questionable ethics. One of the best examples of this is the Przewalski horse. On the flip side, there are a couple cons. Unfortunately, most zoo visitors go to look at the animals and nothing more, which shows imprisonment can be entertainment – and that may transfer to their views about humanity. Pros and cons of zoos BY Mil-Pratt Below is a free essay on ‘Pros and Cons Of Zoos” from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Established zoos cater to this attitude and justify it because they need to have funds to further the research or preservation efforts that are taking place. Animals in captivity can develop severe health problems, even with a high-quality treatment plan. Inspections that include habitat cleanliness, humane practices, and proper care occur regularly. Zookeepers are trained with specialized knowledge about their animals. 6. They can be called animal parks, menageries, or zoological gardens. pro: Zookeepers keep animals we’ll feed. Support Conservation Programs. 9. The Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle has an annual budget that exceeds $36 million and they pay $17 million in wages annually. They can be called “animal parks,” “menageries,” or “zoological gardens.” Despite the different names, each offers visitors the chance to view animals that are confined in an enclosure. A zoo can be an integral part of our community and world with the right approach. 1. The lives of animals are secondary to the lives of people. 2. It is a way to engage children in science, bring families together, and help save certain animal species that are close to extinction. Predatory animals become more aggressive as well when restricted, which puts zookeepers and visitors at an increased risk. That way they can be more than entertainment. Change Natural Behaviors Animals that are captured and brought to zoos tend to develop behavioral problems as a result. According to animal right activists, one doesn’t need to exhibit animals for recreational purposes if the sole objective … The Alaska Zoo was struggling to care for Maggie the Elephant. Pros and Cons of Globalization . There are some that offer better programs than others and some animals simply thrive in conservation areas better than they do in the wild. Preservation efforts at zoos can stop extinction events. Ota Benga was part of a human exhibit at zoos in the United States as late as 1906, in St. Louis and the Bronx Zoo. 4. The functioning of zoos has faced a lot of controversy over the years. 10. There are also educational programs that allow kids and adults alike to learn more about animals and the importance of respecting them, in the zoo and the wild. Each key point deserves consideration so that a personal decision regarding zoos can be reached. The Cons of Zoos. The benefit of having a local zoo is that it gives people an opportunity to learn more about the animals and nature. There are several animals which are poached frequently because of certain items. Should Animals Be Kept In Zoo Essay 1190 Words | 5 Pages. If visitors intrude into the animal enclosure, it is usually the life of the animal that is put at risk. 11. Having Zoos – The Con’s Personally I detest zoos only because I love nature and love to see animals … They must not worry about it. They are often kept in habitats that resemble their natural surroundings. 3. There are many pros to zoos and particularly with many species that don’t do well with mating in the wild, can be one of the best ways to keep a species alive and well. However, there are cons as well as pros to their existence. For help - some animals are used in assisting people, such as guide dogs for the blind or dogs that … The modern zoo plays a critical role in education children and families about the different animals with whom we share this planet. What Are the Pros of Animals in Zoos? Most zoos have a goal of conservation when it comes to animal species. You are always going to find pros and cons with zoos and the truth is, it is going to depend on the zoo. It is going to depend on the actual zoo as well as the animals that are in conservation. Veterinarians are no longer working on their own in these facilities either. Although poachers have been able to break into zoos to take animals in the past, this is not a frequent occurrence and is normally not successful when it does occur. Wild animals struggle to adapt to a confined environment, but many can make the transition – even if it is forced upon them. 8 An example of this occurred in 2016 when a 3-year old boy was left unsupervised long enough to crawl into a gorilla enclosure. The zoo kept people with dwarfism, albinism, and birth defects or medical conditions in a state of unwanted imprisonment. Zoos provide an educational resource. Zoos are found all around the world and many of them are quite advanced, offering a variety of natural habitats. It is a unique breed in the equine world because it has 66 chromosomes instead of 64. Animals should be kept in zoos because the best zoos in England have facilities that provide not only housing and care for specimens of endangered species but also these zoos have high educational benefits. Keeping animals in zoos does indeed have a lot of advantages. Not all animals do well in zoos - pangolins and saola are among those that tend not to - so these should not be kept in zoos. Pros and Cons of Keeping Wild Animals as Pets. Zoological gardens are a controversial component of human society. Because of extensive breeding programs and an effort to reintroduce these horses into protected habitats in the wild, this unique species can continue to survive. One of the oldest known zoos was discovered in Egypt in 2009 and was believed to have existed in 3,500 BC. 2. Working with scientists and conservationists, a breeding program began to create new h… Animals Placed in High Stress Environments. This clip briefly examines the history of zoos, and questions experts and professionals about keeping animals in small enclosures. An orca in the wild may live up to 100 years in the wild, but the average age at a captive orca is less than 30 years – and it’s 17 years for a male orca. Even if captivity extends a lifetime, it can change animal behavior. 1. Breeding programs create dependencies. Zoos can excel when they have the proper funding to meet the needs of their animal population. More than 1,500 of these horses exist today and all can trace their lineage back to the 13 that were captured at the end of World War II. It can also lead to aggression when the animals feel trapped and surrounded. Children learn from the adults in their lives. 2. there are a lot of pros and cons for raising both pets and wild animals in zoos . Many zoos euthanize healthy animals because of their cost or to “preserve” genetic health. Provide Education to the Public. Zoos do more than just provide a place for animals to reside. They are a place that provides jobs, creates tourism opportunities, and can even be an economic nexus for a community. From a legal standard, animals are often treated as property. Other zoos do not have that luxury. In Agate, CO a wildlife sanctuary euthanized all 11 of their animals because of a denial to relocate their facilities due to “ongoing flooding.”. They have opted for moats and ditches as a way of separating the animals from the humans that go to see them. Another $5.2 million is paid in outside vendor contracts. 1. Having exotic and large animals secured in enclosures, these places also allow researchers and scientists to perform studies to better help us understand the way animals work. Then there are the circumstances where we try to profit off of their circumstances. There are also zoos that are not getting the funding that they need, so it can result in limited diets, repetitive behaviors, and much more. Because of the local weather conditions, she would often be forced to stay inside a very small enclosure. con: Animals need to be free in the wild. 3. Animals that are kept in zoos show signs of extreme depression and never get the chance to live their way of life. That means they have little in the way of rights, so a zoo seems like a positive place to maintain a high quality of life. Screenings, quarantine procedures, parasite removal, and other common treatments are part of the standard care process now as well. In the past, this was a valid observation. The Pros & Cons of Zoos Hear about some of the benefits zoos and some of negative effects that they have on animals. Because zoos are treated more as a recreational facility, visitors do not always have respect for the boundaries and borders that keep them safe from potentially dangerous animals. You might remember back in 2014 when the Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark killed Marius the giraffe. In 1945, there were 13 horses that were captured from the wild and placed into a zoo. Zoos in the developed world must go through an accreditation process to maintain operations. There are pros and cons for zoos and it’s important to understand them both. More than 75 elephants have been euthanized at zoos before reaching the age of 40 when their lifespan is estimated to be 70 years in the wild. They provide a safe refuge for endangered or injured animals, but these parks can be abusive in their treatment of creatures as well. Her treatment team brought in a treadmill that could help her get the exercise she needed, but she refused. 5 Interesting Facts About Martha Washington, 9 Pros and Cons of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Fusion, 27 Perfect Songs for 40th Birthday Slideshow, 28 Perfect Songs for 50th Birthday Slideshow, 9 Interesting Facts About the Tundra Biome. Zoos offer animal activities to maintain natural instincts and movements. Zoos, aquariums, water parks, and other facilities can help to maintain the viability of endangered species when humanity does not do a good enough job of protecting the animals in the wild. Many zoos have conservation programs in place that are designed to promote mating and help to increase the population of a species. They must have staff present at all times who und… Zoos can also be an economic resource for a community. Many zoos have breeding programs in place to help eliminate genetic bottlenecks, especially when dealing with an endangered species. A zoo provides a protected environment for endangered animals. For some animals, such as the elephant, this is virtually impossible within the confines of a zoo. As long as the focus remains on keeping the animals happy and healthy, the argument for and against can rage on. These connections make it possible to bring a pair of these animals together to begin the mating process so that the species can continue living. No matter what a person’s socioeconomic status may be, there is a chance to learn something new because of the work of a zoo. Support Conservation Programs. Besides robbing them of freedom: disease, illness, mistreatment by handler’s visitors and other animals, injury, psychological distress, injury to visitors, and the worst of all death of the animals. 7 -Not much is learned by watching animals perform tricks that they’ve been taught by trainers, best way to learn about animals is to see them in their natural habitat. These incidents have often raised questions about the practice of having wild animals as pets. Animals that have been saved from likely extinction by zoos include the Arabian Oryx, Golden Lion Tamarin, Puerto Rican Parrot, and Freshwater mussels. Zoos. Mostly of them are become ill, because living in small places. 2. 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. Wild animals, it is said, are meant to be wild. Treatment teams include pathologists, technicians, zookeepers, and other specialists who can create and maintain virtually any care plan. The Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle is thought to be one of the best in the US. Without the proper amount of activity, her feet began to degrade to the point where it became difficult for her to walk. Go to th… Most zoos are treated as a recreational facility. Pros And Cons Of Animals In Zoos 773 Words | 4 Pages. 23% of birds and 47% of small mammals (weighing less than about 2.2 pounds) are negatively impacted by climate change. There is no denying that the animals kept in zoos argument is a bit of a hot potato but both sides of the argument make valid points. Survival percentages have risen to over 70% since then, but this is because of artificial insemination and husbandry efforts that essentially force the newborn cub to be reliant on humans for potentially its entire life. 2. Thousand of animals every year struggle with the same problem, being locked up. Elephants are often the focus of this key point because of their size compared to their enclosure. Some people argue that animals shall not be kept in zoos as they deserve freedom. Many people are more apt to provide funding to zoos and the different conservation programs when they understand more about the animals. 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